Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville Marketing Branding Photoshoot
The amazing doctors and nurses at Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville have been patiently and lovingly caring for and overseeing my children’s health (and managing my own maternal health/medical-related paranoia) for over 15 years. From graciously entertaining my request to allow me to interview their doctors when I was newly pregnant with my first child to fitting us in for late night “urgent care” strep tests on Christmas Eve to the sweet nurse who magically had my girls laughing during their toddlerhood shots to our beloved pediatrician calling several times from his vacation to check on a recovering child, they have gone above and beyond for us. During the few serious illnesses and injuries that we have faced over the years, I could not have had a better group of doctors treating my girls. With my children a little older now, we are no longer rushing to their office on a seemingly weekly basis…but as I stood on the sideline to capture these doctors interacting with some of the little patients for this marketing photoshoot in their beautiful new Spring Creek office, I was reminded of how so very special they are and how much I appreciate them!
“Children are blank canvases. Each person who touches them is a brushstroke on their lives.” -Unk