Tag Archives: Fluvanna County High School Class of 2022 Senior Portraits FCHS 22 senior22 summer pictures 12th year virginia photographer charlottesville cville

Fluvanna County High School Class of 2022 Senior Portraits

Fluvanna County High School Class of 2022 Senior Portraits FCHS 22 senior22 summer pictures 12th year virginia photographer charlottesville cville

I officially opened 2022 senior season with portrait session for this handsome rising Fluvanna County High School 12th grader! Having known his whole family for many years, I recognized glimpses of each of his siblings and parents in his expressions throughout his session (but I am not sure how much he liked hearing me exclaim how...




Brook Robinson is an award-winning, full-service, custom portrait photographer serving Central Virginia (including Charlottesville, Richmond, Fluvanna, Palmyra, Lynchburg, Gordonsville, Louisa, Keswick, and Goochland). Brook specializes in custom family, children, and senior portraits to create gorgeous heirloom fine art for her clients. Brook offers the highest quality artwork and customer service.